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    آسی غلام نبی قدم بہ قدم


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Questions / Answers

     There is consensus of Ulema that whatever Prophet Muhammad SAW said with regards to ‘Umoor-al-Din was from Allah SWT,as Allah Says in Al Quran “nor does he speak from (his own) inclination,it is not but a revelation revealed” so both al Quran and al- Sunnah are ‘amr of Allah. If it is so then how can we prioritize the al Quran on al sunnah. The next thing that needs to be calrified is that both reached to us with the same source that is Prophet Muhammad SAW.
     What does Qat’i-al-Thabut(categorically proven ) mean ?
     There is consensus of Ulema that whatever Prophet SAWsaid or advised regarding Shariah was actually from Allah .Allah says “O Prophet SAW you never say anything out of your own will”.This thing make it clear that both Quran and Sunnah are the ‘Amr of Allah .Now Question arises why is Quran Prioritized over Sunnah.The other thing is that If both are from Allah then what iremains the difference between Quran and Sunnah.
     What is the number of traditions from which Ahkaam have been deducted?
     How many types of Sunnah are there?

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