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Rahi Najaat An Introduction - (راہ نجات-ایک تعارف)

The Monthly Rahi Najaat Barmulla :The town of Baramulla is a historical town.It has a special significance from the geographical point of view. It was the gateway to connect the Valley with the outside world. Before Accession, this town was hub of the trade and commerce in Kashmir. Due to its cultural exposure, people were always adorned with great morals, knowledge and literature. The partition of the country badly affected this town. However, this town is still contributing almost in every field of human development. Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri, a renowned religious scholar of the subcontinent, has spent a lot of time here in the recent past. In the same period, Hazrat Maulana Abdul Wali Shah Sahib started his da'wah movement . He made this town the center of his dawah movement and benefited the people of the town by his selfless da'wah and monotheistic activities. The burial of one hundred Saadats in the area of Narvaw Baramulla also enhances the historical splendour of this town. Being a disciple of Maulana Abdul Wali Shah Sb Aasi(The Patron of Idarh Rahi Najaat ) felt that if a religious magazine is published here, it would not only encourage the religious writers but will also provide them a chance to communicate their thoughts to the people in a vide a range. This is an electronic age . Electronic media is playing a vital role in shaping the life style of youngsters. So the need of an hour is to provide religious information to them through these means also, so that they can determine their way.keeping this thing in mind Idarah Rahi Najaat decided to bring its academic, research dawah activities on online mode so that the people of the valley particularly and the rest of the muslim ummah commonly can benefit from it. In this context, the magazine Rahi-Najaat was launched on January 9, it will be the mouthpiece of pure Islam and not of any particular school of thought. The following is a description of the topics covered by the magazine since its inception: The special issue of January 4, 2013, Moulana Ilyaas Ki deeni D‘awat aur Kashmir with forword by Maulana Abdul Rahim Sahib Grand Mufti of Baramulla District. In the month of February 3,2013 a research paper under the title of Rahi Haq by the patron of RNB was published. The author of the paper highlighted the significance of the Four schools of thought .Moreover the magazine contains short essays on Judaism and Christianity too. Similarly Pir Rumi ,Murid Hindi ,Iqbal and Ijtihad ,Iqbal aur Tqlid like research oriented topics were academically discussed by the different scholars and ulema. Hopefully, readers will like it and try to increase the readership of this magazine which will be religious service. Islamic scholars can contribute their research papers via inbox..


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