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    آسی غلام نبی قدم بہ قدم

خطبہ استقبالیہ در مجلس رسم رونمائی عقائد الاسلام عربی ایڈیشن ۔مقام جامعہ شمس العلوم کپوارہ

مناجات در بارگاہ اللہ جل مجدہ ۔یہ مناجات موصوف مکرم نے عید الفطر کے موقع پر کری ۔لوگ اشکبار تھے

مولانا صادق واصل صاحب جو کہ مولانا ذکریا صاحب رح کے شاگرد رشید ہیں کو محترم غلام محمد پرے صاحب نے حضرت آسی کی معیت میں ایک ملاقات کے دوران انٹرویو کیا ۔

Darse Mathnavi 16

Darse Mathnavi (2) By Aasi Ghulam Nabi patron The Monthly Rahi Najaat Baramulla

Dars e Mathnavi Lec No 01 By Aasi Ghulam Nabi

This speach was delivered by Aasi Sahib among the students of Alpha tech Computers Baramulla in July 2023. The title of this speach is the "Creation Plan Of Allah SWT".

یہ بیان جعہ بیانات کے سلسلے کے تحت پہلا بیان ہے جس کو اپ لوڈ کیا جارہا ہے ۔ہماری اس چینل کو سبسکرائب کیجیے اور انبینات کو دوسروں تک پہنچاہیے۔ الدال علی الخیر کفاعلہ

Full speech of Molana Ghulam Mohammad parray sb on the need of Dar-ul- Muballigeen .

Aasi Ghulam Nabi Sb DB in a day long Seminar on Iqbal RA at Noor ul Uloom Noor Jahan Uri .

Aasi Wani Sahib at Noor ul Uloom Secondary School Noorkhah in a day log Seminar.

Molana Ja'far Nadvi Principal Shams ul Uloom Kupwara while presenting his paper on Tasawwur e Takhleeq e Insaani in a day long Seminar organised by Majlis e Ilmi Jammu and Kashmir at Jamia Masjid Sharif Sheeri.

Mohtaram Javid Ahmad Malik SB while presenting his research paper during a day long programme organised by Majlis e Ilmi Jammu and Kashmir.

Àasi Ghulam Nabi Wani DB presenting Khutbah Istiqbaliyah in a day long Seminar organised by Majlis e Ilmi Jammu and Kashmir on the Theme "Maqsad e Takhliq e Insaani"

Dr Shakeel Shifayi Sb while presenting his research paper in day long seminar at Jamia Masjid Sheeri on the Theme Maqsad e Takhleeq e Insaani.

The Second Session of Seminar Full coverage Tilawat by Hafiz Mehraj sb Na'at by Molvi Bilal Sb Speech by Molana Ghulam Mohammad Parray sb Speech by Aasi Ghulam Nabi Wani SB Speech by Dr Shekeel Shifa'ie Dua by Parray sb

Tilawat e Quran e Pak by Molvi Aasif Sb in the first session of Seminar

Speech of Aadi Ghulam Nabi Wani SB in one days Seminar organised by Degree College Baramulla for women on the the Fikr e Shahi Hamadan and it's relevance in the present era

Molans speech in one day Seminar on Maqsad e Takhliq e Insaani organised by MAJLISE ILMI J&K at Sheeri.

The Patron of RNB Muhtaram Aasi Sahibs Bayan at Sultanpora.

Aasi Sahibs Bayaan 1

Aasi Sahibs Bayaan

Research paper presented by Dr Shakeel Shifayi ina day long seminar organised by Majlis e Ilmi Jammu And Kashmir at Jamia Masjid Sharief Sheeri.

Na'at presented by Br Younus.

Welcome Adress by Aasi Ghulam Nabi (The Founder of Majlis e Ilmi J&K).This Seminar was organised in 2021 at Sheeri. I this this Seminar near about 100 scholars of Jammu and Kashmir participated and presented their research papers.

Dr Hamid Naseem Rafiabadi Sb at one days Seminar organised by Majlis e Ilmi Jammu And Kashmir.

Mufti Muzaffar Sb Qasmi Sheikh al Hadith Darul uloom Sopore at one day Seminar organised by Majlis e Ilmi Jammu And Kashmir .