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    آسی غلام نبی قدم بہ قدم

Our Mission

In the present era common people are ignorant about their self(being).They do not know the purpose their creation .The sole purpose of their life seems  to fulfill their inordinate desires .This thing leads them towards bad things (شر)۔Hence shar prevails over good( khair) .In order to get rid of this situation d'awah of khair becomes the foremost duty of the people of intellect.So "da'wah 'Ila al khair "-calling towards good is the mission of Rahi Najaat Mission. 'Al Najaat Mission is apolitical and value oriented in nature.It belives in peace and prosperity of human beings. The founder of this mission -Aasi Ghulam Nabi Wani is a peace loving personality .He holds that Islam and violence are colliding concepts .So in order to preach peace he is active in d'awah with Qalam and Qadam.

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