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    آسی غلام نبی قدم بہ قدم Is there any example from al Quran through which we can understand the term Iqtiza-‘an-Nass?

Q.No 8) Is there any example from al Quran through which we can understand the term Iqtiza-‘an-Nass?
Answer) Iqtiza an Nas (Presumed meaning)can be understood from this verse of Al Quran which says “ Establish Salah” . It is clear in its meaning. But in Shari‘ah Salah cannot be performed without Taharah (ritual purity or cleanliness) so to attain ritual purity before performing salah is understood through iqtiza an Nas .It means Salah itself demands us to perform wazu or Ghusul (in certain conditions) before one intends to perform it. It can be simplified by this example also “a man tells his servant to water him, The demand for water is known as ‘ibarat an Nass and the things which are required for to water him( i.e )glass etc. are understood through ‘iqtiza-‘an-Nas.