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    آسی غلام نبی قدم بہ قدم What does Qat’i-al-Thabut(categorically proven ) mean ?

Q.No 31) What does Qat’i-al-Thabut(categorically proven ) mean ?
Answer) An evidence which has a solid proof and is gained by many narrators at a time is called Qat’i Evidence.We can understand it by this example that many people narrate that Madina is a city in Saudi Arabia.This thing cannot be denied because such an amount of people cannot make consensus upon telling a lie.So this evidence is considered solid hence certain. In the same way every verse of Al Quran has been received by the muslims of every age from their predecessors and accepted them with conviction,so this continuation makes al Quran Qata’i al thabut (certain evidence ) in nature. As compared to sunnah both text and meaning of al Quran is from Allah.