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    داعی توحید نمبر There is consensus of Ulema that whatever Prophet SAWsaid or advised regarding Shariah was actually from Allah .Allah says “O Prophet SAW you never say anything out of your own will”.This thing make it clear that both Quran and Sunnah are the ‘Amr of Allah .Now Question arises why is Quran Prioritized over Sunnah.The other thing is that If both are from Allah then what iremains the difference between Quran and Sunnah.

Q.No 30) There is consensus of Ulema that whatever Prophet SAWsaid or advised regarding Shariah was actually from Allah .Allah says “O Prophet SAW you never say anything out of your own will”.This thing make it clear that both Quran and Sunnah are the ‘Amr of Allah .Now Question arises why is Quran Prioritized over Sunnah.The other thing is that If both are from Allah then what iremains the difference between Quran and Sunnah.
Answer) The Quran is Qata‘i(categorically proven ) and Hadith is supposed or pre assumpted .