Regaining Trust
It is very unfortunate that the people who run the Islamic institutions like Bait-al-Maal, orphanage houses ,madaris and welfare foundations have lost their trust in the society. There can be many reasons behind this Trust deficit scenario but the big and the most genuine reason is that the people who are running these institutions do not let the people or donors know about the income and expenditures of the institutions they are running. Without making them doubtful it is worthy to note that the institutions they are running belong to Ummah, so every individual of ummah has right to ask them whether they are utilizing it properly or not .We have historical evidences from the Sirah of caliphs (Khulafha) that they were being questioned by a layman about the things which belong to public property .Hazrat Umar was interrupted during khutbah by a common companion RA .The story is like this:
This explanation satisfied every one. The young man who had interrupted the Caliph said, "We are satisfied. You can now proceed with your address. We will listen to you and, obey your commandments. (Ibn qutaybah,‘Uyun-al-Akhbaar,Ibn al-jawzi al-Hanbali,Sifat-as-safwah(1/203)
This story provides us a lesson that these people can regain trust by maintaining records and considering themselves accountable before one and all because they are managers not owners of these funds.I think every organisation should make it compulsory to audit their accounts by an independent body so that transparency can be maintained in this regard. If audit is done by the persons who belong to the same institution (dependent body) then this audit will in no case be considered a just one.