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Identity lies in cultural alternatives

  • Salik Bilal
  • Friday 17th of September 2021 02:40:42 PM

It is bur natural that all cultural or social orders of the world possess certain distinguishing traits by means of which the members of one group or order recognize the members of other group or order .It is why that Islam forbids imitation in terms of Language, dress, mode of living and mark of culture .Because Islam wants to preserve and maintain cultural identity .Though the Prophetic expression “He who apes a people will be counted with them” is sufficient and enough in this regard. Some more traditions will make our statement strong and reliable. It has been narrated by Imam al Muslim in his famous book al-Muslim in the book of DRESS and FASHION that Hazrat Umar ,the second Khalifa ,wrote to Utba bin Farqad the governor of Azerbaijan “take care ,do not adopt the dress of unbelievers”. Similarly Hazrat ibn Umar (RA) narrated the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said “Do the Opposite of what the pagans do”. Whenever Ibn Umar performed the Hajj Or Umrah ,he used to hold his beard with his hand and cut whatever hair remained, after that Ibn Umar also reports that Prophet Muhammad( SAW) said “Cut the Moustaches short and keep the beards”.In this repot Ibn Umar’s Father(i.e)Hazrat Umar (RA)was also reported to have used to cut Short his Moustaches to the extent that the Whiteness of his skin would appear (Bukhari-The book of Clothes).Similarly the Prophet (SAW)said:
فرق ما بینناو بین المشرکین  العمآئم علی القلانس(ابوداؤد)
The Difference between us and the Mushrikun (polytheists) is that we wear Topi under our turban while a Mushrikun do not do likewise”. So in the light of these traditions it can be said that prophet SAW intended the Muslims not to fall a pray to the culture of Christians, Jews and Mushrikun .Because it is Cultural traits that maintains and colours ones individuality in all respects.


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