Differences and the way out

Salik Bilal
Thursday 16th of January 2025 10:26:30 AM

Using pulpits for the propagation of sectarian ideologies is the basic reason behind the intolerance that is seen among the followers of the different schools of the subcontinent. Every school believes that they are the only right interpreters of al- Din. The people who do not follow them are deemed to be misled and therefore are openly opposed on the pulpits in the light of the parameters and principles they have been conditioned with.

There have been differences right from the first century of Islamic civilization. The differences that arose in the different periods of Islamic history have academically been discussed by the savants of Islam and they never ever gave any biased judgment on the grounds of their attachment with any specific school. What they thought good in the light of their own research they expressed it and gave full authority to their students with the remarks that, if their opinion goes against the spirit of Islam then throw it on the wall and see what sticks. Such type of freedom in the field of knowledge worked well and we see that the students of our Aslaaf sometimes went ahead of their teachers. They became Imam, fuqaha , u’suliyeen and what not.

On the other hand when we see that any student in this modern era belonging to any particular institution makes any difference with their shiyukh (teachers) or the institutional philosophy he is alienated and such type of his researching nature precludes his official recognition in the institution he is the alumna of.

This situation has snatched the ability of educational research in the students who are being taught in our traditional Islamic seminaries. When these students come out of their schools, they are supposed to propagate what they have been taught with the condition that he or she has to maintain his or her institutional identity with respect to furu’ or  masai’l al mutafariqa. It is why that we see the identity of different schools of the subcontinent lies in furu’aat. Barelvi is he who believes in Istigasa and some of the masa’il mutafariqa which can be said the tafurudaat of Molan Ahmad Raza Khan Sahib Berelvi( RA),Devbandi is he who believes in the teachings of Deoband with special reference of tafurudaat of their shiyukh and Jamati is He who belives in the ’ilmi shazraat  of Moulana Maudoodi( RA) and Ahli-Hadith is he who gives his priority to rafa’ ul yaddain in Salah.

The only way-out to get themselves out of this scenario is to come out of these water tight compartments  and  switch off conditioning mode with the intention that Islam teachs us to maintain ‘ukhuwwah(brotherhood) on the bassis of principles (usul) not on the bassis of furu’aat,shazraat and tafarrudaat.    


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